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Bug#1029557: debian-edu-config: Session exits on first login on roaming-workstation fails

Hi Guido,

On  Do 21 Sep 2023 16:05:51 CEST, Guido Berhoerster wrote:

This is actually a bug in LightDM which makes assumptions about the home
directory not changing and hardcoding paths to the Xauthority file.

There is also a small fix for libpam-mklocaluser necessary so it runs
before the pam_systemd module so that systemd/DBus started processes
have the correct home directory.

Thanks for digging this out!!!

If you want to test, you need to rebuild lightdm with the patch from
https://github.com/canonical/lightdm/pull/323 and change the
libpam-mklocaluser pam-config priority.

I'll need to see how we can escalate this to the lightdm maintainer in Debian. Unfortunately, neither lightdm upstream nor downstream is really active with development.

The latter is necessary for other display managers as well.

Interestingly, with GDMv3 (bullseye version), the login would just work on first attempt.



c\o Technik- und Ökologiezentrum Eckernförde
Mike Gabriel, Marienthaler Str. 17, 24340 Eckernförde
mobile: +49 (1520) 1976 148
landline: +49 (4351) 850 8940

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