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Bug#932088: Perhaps It's a bug of xfce file manger Thunar, double-fork ,pkexec command line

control: found -1 4.17.11-1


I'd test this bug in thunar  4.17.11-1 in experimental,
It's exist too.

Login in to Xfce use normal user account,
when I double click one deb package file in thunar, the gdebi start up on screen,

The parent ID of  "/usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/gdebi-gtk" is 1:

ps -efww|grep gdebi
atzlinux   68506       1 56 15:17 ?        00:00:02 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/gdebi-gtk /path/any.deb

When I click install button, the gdebi crash,

~/.xsession-errors  has the error info:

Refusing to render service to dead parents.

as it can't invoke pkexec to input root password.

I guess  this is a bug of upstream.

在 2022/11/11 11:58, xiao sheng wen (肖盛文) 写道:
control: found -1
control: reassign -1 thunar


    IMHO, #932088 is the bug of Xfce file manger Thunar, not the bug of gdebi itself.

I find some infos about it:

Fixed in xfce4-panel:


But this bug still exist in thunar.


肖盛文 xiao sheng wen
https://www.atzlinux.com 《铜豌豆 Linux》基于 Debian 的 Linux 中文 桌面 操作系统
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