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[Pkg-xfce-devel] Bug#614939: Bug#614939: xfce4-settings: Sticky keys randomly disable

On Thu, 2011-02-24 at 13:04 +0100, Hyrob wrote:
> Having had to turn on sticky keys because of a problem with the way of my linux
> maxhine interpreting modifiers keys I bumped into a problem. After turning the
> sticky keys on the keyboard is usable in a more decent characteristic, however
> the sticky keys - if the keyboard is not being used get turned off. Further
> more the settings for them are not being saved after a restart. The sticky keys
> functionality works again after unchecking and checking the checkbox in the
> accessibility settings dialog. 

Ok it seems I managed to confirm that. If sticky keys are enabled, after
around 2 minutes without touching the keyboard I get a notification that
sticky keys are disabled. This notification is sent by
xfce4-settings-helper but it's not itself which disable them, so it
might be somewhere else, though I don't exactly know where.


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