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[Git][xorg-team/vulkan/spirv-tools][upstream-unstable] 34 commits: spirv-opt: Fix OpCompositeInsert with Null Constant (#5008)

Title: GitLab

Timo Aaltonen pushed to branch upstream-unstable at X Strike Force / vulkan / spirv-tools


  • 7b8f00f0
    by Spencer Fricke at 2022-12-06T09:00:10-05:00
    spirv-opt: Fix OpCompositeInsert with Null Constant (#5008)
    * spirv-opt: Unify GetConstId function names
    * spirv-opt: Fix OpCompositeInsert with Null Constant
    * spirv-opt: Improve GetNullCompositeConstant description
  • 9c6a925c
    by alan-baker at 2022-12-06T11:22:33-05:00
    Fix infinite loop in validator (#5006)
    Fixes https://crbug.com/oss-fuzz/53510
    * Fix infinite loop that could occur in structured cfg validation due to
      an invalid cfg
  • 235182cf
    by alan-baker at 2022-12-12T10:49:59-05:00
    Fix use of invalid analysis (#5013)
    Fixes https://crbug.com/1395415
    * Block merging needed to invalid structured cfg analysis
  • 43c99b5e
    by Cassandra Beckley at 2022-12-12T11:10:52-05:00
    Roll external/spirv-headers/ 47f2465ee..1d31a1004 (13 commits) (#5012)
    $ git log 47f2465ee..1d31a1004 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2022-12-01 admin Update spir-v.xml
    2022-12-01 admin Update spir-v.xml
    2022-11-25 stephen.clarke Update spir-v.xml
    2022-11-17 admin Register Taichi as SPIR-V generator
    2022-11-16 dmitry.sidorov Remove unnecessary extensions addition
    2022-11-14 alele Remove extension
    2022-11-07 alele Fix typo.
    2022-11-07 alele Review feedback 1.
    2022-10-05 alele Add headers for SPV_NV_shader_invocation_reorder.
    2022-10-17 dmitry.sidorov Add SPV_INTEL_runtime_aligned
    2022-10-17 dmitry.sidorov Add SPV_INTEL_fpga_dsp_control
    2022-10-17 dmitry.sidorov Add SPV_INTEL_fpga_invocation_pipelining_attributes
    2022-10-17 dmitry.sidorov Update SPV_INTEL_fpga_loop_controls to rev I
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/spirv-headers
  • 5d6adbde
    by David Neto at 2022-12-15T21:12:53-05:00
    Require C++11 *or later* (#5020)
    Allow externally setting CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD to 14, for example,
    which is needed to build protobufs
  • 6b2318ae
    by Pankaj Mistry at 2022-12-15T21:13:12-05:00
    Fix for bug https://github.com/KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools/issues/5017 (#5019)
    open_quote value becomes npos when it fails to find '\'' and then is used to
    compute the string length for writing to result. This causes crash in win32 builds of the test.
  • 451ba8ec
    by Samuel Bronson at 2022-12-15T21:35:08-05:00
    README.md: The validator now handles larger limits (#5003)
    * README.md: The validator now handles larger limits
    * Oops ...
    * Fix typo
    Co-authored-by: David Neto <dneto@google.com>
  • 5a78d798
    by alan-baker at 2022-12-15T21:38:09-05:00
    Fix layout validation (#5015)
    * Fix layout validation
    Fixes #5010
    * Unless scalar block layout is enabled, no member can reside at an
      offset between the end of the previous member that is a struct or
      array and the next multiple of that alignment
    * Remove a dead if that was introduced
    Co-authored-by: David Neto <dneto@google.com>
  • cc81529f
    by David Neto at 2022-12-16T11:17:39-05:00
    Test operator overloads for SPIR-V C++ mask enums (#5021)
    Updates SPIRV-Headers in DEPS
  • f64a4b64
    by Greg Fischer at 2022-12-19T10:20:44-07:00
    [spirv-opt] Clone names for new struct in EliminateIODeadComponents (#5016)
  • 1c287b03
    by David Neto at 2022-12-19T12:42:04-05:00
    First attempt to set up CI-windows-msvc-2017-release-bazel build (#5023)
    Part 1 of replacing the msvc-2015-release-bazel build.
    See issue #5022
  • 025ea891
    by Jeremy Gebben at 2022-12-19T13:08:01-05:00
    Optimize allocation of spvtools::opt::Instruction::operands_ (#5024)
    Reserve space for the entire operand list rather than adding them
    one a time.
  • 29375382
    by David Neto at 2022-12-19T15:46:57-05:00
    Fix undef behaviour in hex float parsing (#5025)
    When the parser saw more significant hex digits than fit in
    the target type, it would compute a nonsensical shift amount, resulting
    in undefined behaviour.
    Now, drop the excess bits, effectively truncating the significand.
    Also guard against overflow of the exponent in the extraordinary (and untested)
    case where we see more than, for example, 2**(32-4+1) significant hex digits
    for a 32-bit float, or 2**(16-4+1) significant hex digits for a 16-bit
    Also guard against overflow of the indexing counting the number of
    significant bits.  When that would occur silently drop any further
    significant bits.  (Untested)
    Avoid hex floats in C++ code. It's a C++17 feature.
    Fixes: #4724
  • 5bec0884
    by David Neto at 2022-12-19T16:39:58-05:00
    Remove testing support for VS2015 (#5027)
    Fixes: #5026
  • c5d23164
    by Rafael Marinheiro at 2022-12-20T10:54:46-05:00
    Enforce layering_check in Bazel build rules. (#5032)
    * Enforce layering_check in Bazel build rules.
    Enforcing layering_check ensures that the Build targets do not rely on
    transitive dependencies. See
    https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/pull/11440 for a detailed
    description of the feature.
    We also do a style pass on the build files, ensuring that common linters
    are happy with it.
    * Add .bazelversion file and fix build_defs.bzl.
    We fix build_defs.bzl to work on Bazel 5.0.0.
  • 6b5a00eb
    by David Neto at 2022-12-21T10:49:52-05:00
    Kokoro CI bots use git-sync-deps to get sources (#5031)
    * Kokoro CI bots use git-sync-deps to get sources
    Update git-sync-deps to reduce the amount of data downloaded on a first
    checkout, while being able to checkout the specific commit specified in
    the DEPS file.
    Previously the CI bots would only clone --depth=1.  But that's not
    enough to check out a specific commit.  So clone either blobless
    or treeless.  For a CI bot, treeless is preferable, because it
    downloads the least data.  For interactive use, blobless is better
    because it prevents redundant downloads of tree data.
    Fixes: #5028
    * --treeless decays to blob:none when git is too old
    * Pin googletest to an older version, to make bazel build work
  • 01a3b9be
    by David Neto at 2022-12-21T12:52:28-05:00
    git-sync-deps: Use argparse, and print better help (#5038)
  • bbdd0fef
    by David Neto at 2022-12-21T16:22:17-05:00
    Update minimum required CMake to 3.17.2 (#5041)
    * Update minimum required CMake to 3.17.2
    - For Wasm build, update to emscripten/emsdk:3.1.28 which has 3.22.1
    - Move the docker-compose.yml down to the source/wasm directory.
    Fixes: #5040
    * Fix working directory for invocation of wasm build
  • 077b09c3
    by Dmitry Kazakov at 2022-12-21T16:24:48-05:00
    Add exported CMake config file for binaries in ./tools/ (#5034)
    The package is called SPIRV-Tools-tools, which might be a bit
    confusing, but at lease follows the general naming scheme.
  • f416d39b
    by David Neto at 2022-12-22T08:13:40-05:00
    Bazel: Use @platforms//os:windows instead of @build_tools//src/conditions:windows (#5042)
    Bazel has been changing its conventions for implementing
    conditions on target OS. Update to the latest recommendation.
    See https://bazel.build/extending/platforms
    Silences a deprecation warning.
    Fixes: #5037
  • d87f6160
    by David Neto at 2022-12-22T15:22:04-05:00
    DEPS: update to last googletest release supporting C++11 (#5045)
    Fixes #5039
  • f62e121b
    by Caio Oliveira at 2023-01-09T18:39:02-05:00
    spirv-val: Use more specific term 'switch header' in error message (#5048)
    * spirv-val: Add tests for OpSwitch directly breaking/continuing outer loop
    These are not valid, tests verify the validator catches the issue.
  • 631f9bcb
    by David Neto at 2023-01-11T14:58:35-05:00
    Update README.md: Development occurs on the "main" branch (#5053)
    Fixes: #5051
  • bfd27861
    by David Neto at 2023-01-11T15:24:34-05:00
    utils: repos use 'main' as main devlopment branch (#5054)
    roll_deps.h: SPIRV-Headers uses 'main'
    check_code_format.h: SPIRV-Tools uses 'main'
  • 7e8813bb
    by alan-baker at 2023-01-11T16:58:53-05:00
    Validate version 5 of clspv reflection (#5050)
    * Validate version 5 of clspv reflection
    * Add validation for instructions in versions 2 through 5
    * Change the instruction reported for remaining indices on an access
      chain to the access chain itself for clarity
    * update spirv-headers
  • ae8d5070
    by Rafael Marinheiro at 2023-01-16T10:29:02-05:00
    Add Github Actions to test Bazel builds. (#5043)
    * Add github action to build/test code using Bazel.
    * Add a cache for Bazel github actions.
  • ae893db2
    by Juan Ramos at 2023-01-16T10:52:31-05:00
    cmake: Remove old policy code (#5055)
  • 1dad9914
    by Juan Ramos at 2023-01-16T10:55:35-05:00
    cmake: Modernize install(TARGET) usage (#5056)
  • 0e6fbba7
    by Diego Novillo at 2023-01-16T15:21:17-05:00
    Prepare for v2023.1 release (#5057)
    * Roll external/effcee/ 35912e1b7..c7b4db79f (1 commit)
    $ git log 35912e1b7..c7b4db79f --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2022-12-20 dneto Update Bazel external dependencies
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/effcee
    * Roll external/googletest/ v1.12.0..356fc3012 (117 commits)
    $ git log v1.12.0..356fc3012 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2023-01-12 tomhughes Fix -Wshadow warnings
    2023-01-12 dmauro Add an explicit #error that C++ versions less than C++14 are not supported
    2023-01-11 dmauro Update GoogleTest dependencies
    2023-01-05 tomhughes Fix GTEST_OS_ESP8266 check
    2023-01-05 tomhughes IWYU: Add missing std includes
    2023-01-04 dmauro Workaround for GCC12 bug illustrated by https://godbolt.org/z/Pe5aE59xG
    2023-01-04 tomhughes Fix _MSC_VER check
    2022-12-22 absl-team Use a more recent commit of googletest that uses OS constraints from @platforms//os:* instead of from @build_tools//platforms:*
    2022-12-20 absl-team Fix a typo in the documentation for "Using Predicates as Matchers".
    2022-12-20 dinor Comment that q0_ in primer should remain empty
    2022-12-19 absl-team Specify a name for a `Property` in a code example.
    2022-12-15 absl-team Shut up a Clang warning.
    2022-12-14 absl-team Fix a typo in the gMock sample code for Defining a Custom Matcher Class.
    2022-12-12 dmauro Convert feature requests to a form
    2022-12-12 absl-team Refactor matrix verification into VerifyMatchMatrix.
    2022-12-12 absl-team Introduces a new porting flag (GTEST_HAS_FILE_SYSTEM) to indicate whether a platform supports filesystem operations.
    2022-12-08 tomhughes Fall back to the system clock when building with newlib on a system without a monotonic clock.
    2022-12-07 dmauro Migrate GoogleTest to a bug report template and add a link to the discussion forum for non-bugs
    2022-12-05 dmauro Remove the unused class TestNameIs
    2022-11-30 absl-team Make SizeIsMatcher::Impl conform to the contract of MatcherDescriberInterface.
    2022-11-29 absl-team Disables `-Wunused-member-function` and `-Wused-but-marked-unused` that trigger via `MOCK_METHOD()` and `EXPECT_THAT()` macros.
    2022-11-23 absl-team This commit fixes a minor verb conjugation error in gmock_cook_book.md.
    2022-11-20 i Change MakeUnique -> std::make_unique in docs
    2022-11-16 absl-team When printing floating-point numbers, print full precision by default.
    2022-11-15 absl-team Remove incorrect usage of GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_ on classes.
    2022-11-12 m.h1ch4m
    2022-11-12 m.h1ch4m fixing gcc.gnu domain redirection
    2022-11-11 absl-team Defined a testing::SrcDir() function that returns the name of a directory where ancillary data files can be found.
    2022-11-10 i Support kitty TERM
    2022-11-08 absl-team Remove incorrect GTEST_ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED_ from InSequence class.
    2022-11-07 absl-team RecordProperty serializes ints and 64-bit ints, including size_ts
    2022-11-05 absl-team Fix typo in documentation of ConvertGenerator()
    2022-11-03 absl-team Add documentation for `--gunit_recreate_environments_when_repeating`.
    2022-10-25 dinor Use git commit hash in CMake quickstart
    2022-10-24 absl-team Clarify that parameter generator does not evaluate immediately
    2022-10-21 i Fix format without expectation name
    2022-10-21 i Change messages
    2022-10-20 i Allow naming expectations #3970
    2022-10-18 absl-team CMake: Add GTEST_HAS_ABSL build option for using Absl
    2022-10-18 absl-team Adds Win32 UNC path support to FilePath::IsAbsolutePath() and FilePath::IsRootDirectory() in GoogleTest
    2022-10-17 dmauro Fix detection of the no_sanitize("hwaddress") attribute
    2022-10-17 dinor Add Windows CI script
    2022-10-16 i Add return for GTEST_FAIL_AT
    2022-10-14 dmauro Use attribute testing to simplify portable attribute macros
    2022-10-14 absl-team Terse printing of std::reference_wrapper hides pointer
    2022-10-14 janbruckner Fix table markup in testing.md
    2022-10-12 absl-team Workaround for Visual C++ error C2039 with std::tuple_element_t.
    2022-10-11 i Fix JSON output format #3884
    2022-10-07 ferenc.gm Suggests a release with fixed CMakeLists.txt
    2022-10-08 julian.amann Update rules_python, bazel_skylib and platfroms
    2022-09-01 absl-team Fixed header guards to match style guide conventions.
    2022-08-26 absl-team Consider all TERM values ending in "-256color" to be color supporting. In particular this handles TERM=hterm-256color correctly.
    2022-08-22 hardikv Add support of 19-member structs to gmock UnpackStructImpl.
    2022-08-19 keithbsmiley bazel: move -std=c++14 to .bazelrc
    2022-08-16 dmauro Update README.md to point to the Foundational C++ Support Policy
    2022-08-12 dmauro Add --features=external_include_paths to Bazel CI to ignore warnings from dependencies
    2022-08-08 dinor gtest_unittest: Call FAIL() in lambda, fix incorrect fatality expectation
    2022-08-04 dinor Explicitly instantiate matchee std::string in MatchesRegex
    2022-07-31 bmburstein Custom type with Combine(). Fix for #3781
    2022-07-28 absl-team Add support of 18-member structs to gmock UnpackStructImpl.
    2022-07-25 dinor Add IsEmpty overload for C-style strings
    2022-07-21 thegeorg Continuation for #3183
    2022-07-20 matdibu gtest-death-test: add 'noreturn'
    2022-06-28 dev Set cmake policy CMP0069
    2022-07-14 polushin export ThreadLocalValueHolderBase which is required by exported APIs.
    2022-07-11 polushin cmake: make PDB output directory match that of a static library.
    2022-07-11 polushin cmake: find python in order specified by PATH environment variable.
    2022-07-11 dmauro Add envvar BAZEL_CXXOPTS=-std=c++14 to the GitHub Actions CI
    2022-07-08 dmauro CMake: raise the default C++ standard to cxx_std_14
    2022-07-07 ckennelly Enable heterogeneous lookup for RegisteredTestsMap.
    2022-07-01 nikiforov.al cleanup from unique_ptr branch
    2022-07-01 dmauro Remove the Bazel provided default cxxopt -std=c++0x and replace it with -std=c++14 when testing with GCC 5.
    2022-07-01 57719497+yutotnh fix: some typos in source
    2022-07-01 57719497+yutotnh fix: typo in test name
    2022-07-01 57719497+yutotnh fix: some typos in comment
    2022-06-30 dmauro Remove support for C++11
    2022-06-30 dmauro Update version number in CMakeLists.txt Note that this is 1.12.1 as there will be a patch release to fix this
    2022-06-29 absl-team Add support of 17-member structs to gmock UnpackStructImpl.
    2022-06-27 absl-team Mark internal-only function as having internal linkage.
    2022-06-27 93249401+assafpr Update gtest.cc
    2022-06-27 93249401+assafpr Update gmock-matchers.h
    2022-06-27 93249401+assafpr Update gmock-actions.h
    2022-06-27 93249401+assafpr Update gmock-spec-builders_test.cc
    2022-06-27 93249401+assafpr Update gtest-death-test.cc
    2022-06-27 93249401+assafpr Update gmock-spec-builders.cc
    2022-06-27 93249401+assafpr Update advanced.md
    2022-06-26 asmodai27 Avoid implicit conversion from int to char
    2022-06-26 asmodai27 Avoid implicit conversion from int to char
    2022-06-25 julian.arkenau docs: update googletest README for release 1.12.0
    2022-06-23 dmauro Update README.md for release 1.12.0
    2022-06-22 93249401+assafpr documentation, change mater branch to main
    2022-06-22 93249401+assafpr Update faq.md
    2022-06-22 93249401+assafpr Update CONTRIBUTING.md
    2022-06-22 93249401+assafpr documentation, change mater branch to main
    2022-06-22 93249401+assafpr documentation, change mater branch to main
    2022-06-22 93249401+assafpr Update gmock_output_test_golden.txt
    2022-06-22 93249401+assafpr change link from master to main in documentation
    2022-05-31 gpetit Fix for undefined symbol: testing::internal::Random::kMaxRange
    2022-05-18 akohlmey set -utf-8 flag only for real MSVC compilers. E.g. not Intel's icx.exe
    2022-03-26 perez.cs Fix quickstart-cmake documentation
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/googletest
    * Roll external/re2/ d2836d1b1..954656f47 (13 commits)
    $ git log d2836d1b1..954656f47 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
    2022-12-07 junyer Restore the "lock counter" option for `Mutex`.
    2022-11-29 junyer Avoid "immortal" dynamic memory allocations.
    2022-11-23 junyer Drop old compiler versions from the build matrix.
    2022-11-22 junyer Control the maximum count permitted by `GlobalReplace()`.
    2022-11-20 junyer Specify just the MAJOR.MINOR components to `cmake_minimum_required()`.
    2022-11-18 junyer Install `re2.pc` with CMake too.
    2022-10-26 junyer Reword some comments in `re2.h`.
    2022-10-17 junyer Add the no-op GitHub Actions workflow for Python releases.
    2022-10-17 junyer Revert "Add a GitHub Actions workflow for Python releases."
    2022-10-17 junyer Add a GitHub Actions workflow for Python releases.
    2022-10-17 junyer Revert "Add a GitHub Actions workflow for Python releases."
    2022-10-14 junyer Add a GitHub Actions workflow for Python releases.
    2022-10-14 junyer Bump versions of actions to address warnings.
    Created with:
      roll-dep external/re2
    * Update CHANGES
    * Fix release name
    * Revert "Roll external/googletest/ v1.12.0..356fc3012 (117 commits)"
    This reverts commit 45f5de67c6819dd2f3e6729ae0131488a0cd91fa.
    Rolling back this update to googletest to prevent build failures.
    Our CI systems are still assuming C++0x support.  Post release,
    SPIRV-Tools will move to require C++17 minimum.
  • ba4c9fe5
    by Jeremy Gebben at 2023-01-16T20:57:37+00:00
    Instrument: Fix bindless checking for BufferDeviceAddress (#5049)
    Avoid using OpConstantNull with types that do not allow it.
    Update existing tests for slight changes in code generation.
    Add new tests based on the Vulkan Validation layer test case
    that exposed this problem.
  • 30e51cea
    by Diego Novillo at 2023-01-17T10:49:14-05:00
    Add #5049 to release v2023.1. (#5058)
  • 0fc5526f
    by Diego Novillo at 2023-01-17T17:52:57-05:00
    Finalize v2023.1 release (#5062)
    * Finalize SPIRV-Tools v2023.1
    * Start SPIRV-Tools v2023.2
  • b184efe2
    by Diego Novillo at 2023-01-18T09:22:18-05:00
    Revert "Finalize v2023.1 release (#5062)" (#5064)
    This reverts commit 0fc5526f2b01a0cc89192c10cf8bef77f1007a62.
  • 63de608d
    by Diego Novillo at 2023-01-18T09:55:50-05:00
    Finalize v2023.1 release. (#5065)

30 changed files:

The diff was not included because it is too large.

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