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Re: Client is not authorized to connect to Server

Tuomas Jormola wrote:

> Hi,
> > I have a problem finding out how to run programs like Xnest and xmon.
> >
> > The manual for Xnest tells me to run "Xnest :1" to start the server then "xterm -display :1" to connect a client to the server. This dose not work as the server has started with some over restrictiv configuration and I have not found out how to turn this off.
> I struggled with this same issue a while ago and I discovered that "Xnest
> -auth /dev/null :1" would do the trick. I know this is not the right way
> to do it but it works so I didn't bother to find out the correct way to
> disable authentication.

This works for Xnest but I could not get xmon to run using this trick.

Funny that nobody knows how this authentication actually works :)

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