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Bug#1053935: www.debian.org: outdated debian-cd, debian-archive, debian-ports mirror lists

On Mon, 2023-10-23 at 20:44 +0900, Jing Luo wrote:
> Hello Adam,
> First of all, I would like to thank the mirror team for all the hard 
> work.
> On 2023-10-21 02:46, Adam D. Barratt wrote:
> > Note that Mirrors.masterlist.in is not used verbatim by any part of
> > the
> > website. Rather, the Mirror Team's status monitoring tools (see
> > e.g.
> > https://mirror-master.debian.org/status/mirror-status.html )
> > generate a
> > filtered list containing those mirrors which are considered to be
> > currently "good enough" (i.e. have managed to stay up-to-date for
> > long
> > enough), so not all mirrors in the .in file will appear in the
> > results.
> I see. Is this information publicly available on www.d.o or gitlab?

Which information?

> Since there is a generated version of Mirrors.masterlist and it
> doesn't appears to be publicly accessible, and the mirror team has
> its own standard, there is really no way for any "outsider" to know
> if the lists  on the website is really good.

It is publicly accessible. The generated file is in  
https://mirror-master.debian.org/status/ (which you can verify in the
webwml repository is where the website downloads it from), and the
status of each mirror can be checked using the URL from my previous

> However, I do find one that should be included:
debian.cs.nycu.edu.tw looks up to date and should be on the debian-
> cd 

It's up-to-date now, but as you can see from 
, it's been having some issues recently. The "score" column needs to be
at least 50 for it to be included.

> For debian-ports, linux.purple-cat.net is also up to date, but why is
> it not on the debian-ports list? Do you not accept new ports mirror?

That's in the generated Masterlist file, and has Ports-* fields, so
that might be one for the web team to look at, I think.



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