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Re: information

Quoting ninib man (ninib_man@hotmail.fr):
> Hello,
> Translate the debian Installer in Malagasy  interest me!
> What should I do to begin?

I suggest you start reading http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/doc/i18n/

The entire document may seem a little bit too much as it contains
some informations that are aimed at maintainers more than translators.

But reading it will give you a rough idea of what we call "D-I
translations" consists of and get used with the terminology we use in
that task ("levels", etc.).

As Malagasy already started, we don't have to go through the "New
Language Process" described in part 3.

However, some parts of that process also apply to new translators
(such as getting an account on Alioth, get commit access, choose the
tools, etc.). So, I really suggest you read it over anyway.

PS: one of the first steps I usually run with new translators is
listing them in the translators list. For that, I usually need a name
and, even though I don't enforce it strictly, I very much prefer
working with real names. Please forgive me in advance if I'm wrong,
but is "ninib man" your real name. If it is not, would you mind
mentioning it to me ?

PS/2: I'm not entirely sure that the followups to this mail still
belong to the debian-women mailing list. I leave up to your judgement
to decide whether we continue the discussion in private mail or not.

PS/3: in case we continue in private and you feel more comfortable
with it, we can continue discussing in French language. As you
probably noticed from the nice French accent that one can distinguish
in my Frenglish, c'est ma langue maternelle..

PS/4: there is no PS/4

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