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Re: Hello and introduction

Hi Carl,

<quote who="Carl Welch">

> My name is Carl Welch and I represent Google Staffing in Mt. View, CA.  I
> would very much like to have a conversation with you and yours (Linux
> Chicks), about a speaking engagement that I am trying to promote for our
> newly opened Sydney office. 

OK. Sounds good. Is there someone there I can speak to directly on the

> We are holding a Speaker Series in Sydney.  I want to fill the house with
> members from your group, the local Universities, and WITI.  I have made
> several in runs and have started a list.  Please let me know if you would be
> willing to pass the word among your colleagues and network?  The event is
> planned for May 18th.  

If you can send me the details, and what sort of content you are hoping to
cover I can spread the word. I have cc'd the Sydney Linux Chix group to
help, but I'd like to tell the local Linux user group as well.

> Members would need to send me an e-mail address and there names, so I could
> reciprocate with a formal invitation from Google.  This will be a one of a
> kind event targeting Engineering and advancements geared towards the Sydney
> community.  

I'll happily forward something to the lists I'm on, and then people can
contact you directly. Could you include the speakers you already have
confirmed, the time, and rough location so people can then contact you with
rsvps. I will announce it tonight at the local Linux user group meeting.

> We will have our top people speaking on topics such as Google Culture, Women
> in Engineering, and the dynamic advancements Google Sydney hopes to achieve.

I would certainly be interested in presenting about women in ICT and what is
happening in the next generation if that suits.


Linux Australia                                         http://linux.org.au/
                      "What are we doing today brain?"
              "We're taking over the world like we always do."
                           - Pinky and the Brain

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