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Bug#1012289: Bug #1012289: Following up on Lintian


On Wed, 27 Dec 2023 18:54:14 +0000 Simon Quigley <simon@tsimonq2.net> wrote:
> In most recent Ubuntu cycles, I've taken on the "archive bootstrapping" 
> responsibility of adding the new Ubuntu codename to Lintian. I remember 
> having some deeper conversations with the former Lintian maintainer 
> regarding further contributions and maintenance, but I also recall some 
> politics, and quite frankly, *I don't care*. Regardless, Lintian is 
> something I look at every cycle.


> I'm writing today to express my concern about the current state of 
> Lintian maintenance. I already understand that there is an RFH filed 
> against Lintian, but that has not received any sort of followup since 
> 2022. The most recent Lintian upload is from March 2023, and as of the 
> time of writing, there are 26 open merge requests[1].

Currently, there are quite a few merged patches ready in VCS as well,
including the one I'm interested in (added support for loong64).

Just being able to actually release new version of lintian would be nice.

> I also understand that this is a volunteer team. My goal here is not to 
> diminish the work of the current maintainers in any way, quite the 
> opposite. I would simply like to ask, "do you need help?"

I'm pretty sure we need hands on lintian and I'm willing to help as well.

> I'm not volunteering to take over Lintian entirely, nor do I want to. 
> That being said, I would be motivated to sort through the current MR 
> list and at least shave off some technical debt. If this is something 
> you are open to, or if anyone else would be open to this as well, I 
> think it is a worthwhile effort.

Same. My perl-fu isn't strong enough to take over maintainership of core
package in perl.

> Lintian is crucially important for Debian development as it stands 
> today. Before sponsoring a package, before uploading our own packages, 
> and even once in the archive, we run Lintian all the time. I do not 
> believe it is too late to put some additional minds behind this, to 
> ensure Lintian survives for years to come. I simply feel as if *someone* 
> should bump this thread, so we do not lose sight of it.

Agreed, lintian is crucially important.

What we need is a perl magician willing and able to do the actual lintian
release. Who wants to get blamed for breaking a core tool? :)

Then folks like you and me can help with fixing individual issues and/or
merging MRs.

> Thank you for your time. Please do let me know if you have any 
> questions, or if I can do anything else to help.

Thank you for bumping this, we need to get this sorted one way or another.

Jakub Ružička

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