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Bug#1012721: RFP: chezmoi -- manage your dotfiles across multiple machines, securely

On Mon, Jun 13, 2022 at 03:01:25PM -0400, Ryan Kavanagh wrote:
> I use chezmoi on several of my systems, and packaging it has been on my
> todo list. I can package it over the next few weeks.

As a heads up, getting chezmoi into the archives requires packaging a
bunch of dependencies:

 *  github.com/bradenhilton/mozillainstallhash
 *  github.com/twpayne/go-xdg
 *  github.com/google/gops
 *  howett.net/plist
 *  github.com/zalando/go-keyring
 *  github.com/twpayne/go-shell
 *  github.com/muesli/combinator
 *  github.com/twpayne/go-pinentry
 *  github.com/twpayne/go-vfs

I've started on go-xdg and go-vfs, and will pluck away at the rest as I
have time.


|)|/  Ryan Kavanagh  | 4E46 9519 ED67 7734 268F
|\|\  https://rak.ac | BD95 8F7B F8FC 4A11 C97A

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