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✶The truth behind the iron curtain.💖debian-wnpp@lists.debian.orgi


Dear Friend,
Sorry for bothering you, but we really need your help. We have put up a petition on our website " nowinfonews.info ". It’s against the forcible extraction of organs from harmless practitioners of Falun Gong in China. Please sign this plea. We need your voice to stop these crimes against humankind.

A Tranquil Meditation Exercise is on China’s “Most Wanted” List


In the year 1999, a quiet and peace-loving meditation practice called Falun Gong was banned and labeled as illegal by the communist party of China, placing this innocent meditation exercise on the government’s most wanted list.

Over the last 16 years, Falun Gong followers - law-abiding citizens - have been severely tortured for their faith. Tens of thousands have been tortured and countless killed from forced organ harvesting, a process whereby the innocent person’s vital body organs are extracted and sold at high prices to native and foreign patients looking for organ transplants. This is the most horrific and criminal act of the 21st century, carried out under the full control of China’s ruling government.

On March 13th, 2016, the United States House Foreign Affairs Committee marked up H.Res. 343 that calls on the Chinese regime to stop the acts of state-sanctioned organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners, and to cooperate with investigations into these crimes.

Latest proofs that showed up this year, derived directly from Chinese medical directories and hospital websites, indicates without any doubts that the scale of the organ transplantation industry in the People's Republic of China is far beyond what had initially been assumed. With a limited number of death-row prisoners and particularly a low percentage of voluntary organ donation, the number of Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of faith being murdered for their organs could be much more than previously estimated.

At the hearing for H.Res 343’s mark up, Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) quoted research done by David Kilgour, David Matas, and Ethan Gutmann, who organized comprehensive and thorough inquires into China’s forced organ harvesting program and estimated that between 45,000 and 65,000 Falun Gong practitioners were murdered for their organs.

Governments are expected to uphold the laws that are intended to safeguard and protect citizens. How can democratic nations around the world let any government to persecute and kill its own people for their religious or spiritual beliefs? Shouldn’t we all be entitled to our fundamental rights as human beings?

This simple email is for your awareness. Please help raise awareness about this brutal persecution and mass killing among your family and friends.

Your signature can save many lives. If you prefer not to receive future emails from us, just reply to our message with the word "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

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