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Bug#880541: Bug#880449: unison: Uncaught exception Failure("input_value: bad bigarray kind")

On 2017-11-03 08:49:02 +0100, Hendrik Tews wrote:
> Vincent Lefevre <vincent@vinc17.net> writes:
> > Alternatively, wouldn't it be possible to rename the current unison
> > package and make it co-installable with the one from stretch?
> Possible maybe, but it wouldn't help. Both packages would be
> compiled with the only OCaml compiler available in the current
> Debian version, hence both unison's would be incompatible with
> the one in stretch.

No, the package from stretch, comes from stretch, so is built with
the OCaml from stretch. And there are no dependencies on what could
be OCaml libraries, so that it is compatible with stretch machines
for synchronization. Currently I'm using

Package: unison
Pin: release n=stretch
Pin-Priority: 900

and I could check that it works. But the current issue with this
is that one cannot install the new Unison from unstable (to be
able to use new features between unstable/buster machines),
because in particular, the package from unstable has the same
name. Hence my proposal of renaming this package, e.g. to include
some (compatibility) version number in the package name.

Some other things may be needed to avoid conflicts on files
provided by the package.

> As Stéphane pointed out already: Please discuss with the upstream
> authors or submit patches there.

This issue has existed for years, and any change is unlikely. More
importantly, even if this is fixed, the new version will still be
incompatible for synchronization with stretch and jessie. So, the
problem will still be there.

Vincent Lefèvre <vincent@vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <https://www.vinc17.net/blog/>
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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