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Bug#857042: thonny packaging status

I think I managed to complete the package.

Here is the debian folder: https://bitbucket.org/plas/thonny-debian/src/master/debian/?at=master

Here are the resulting files: https://bitbucket.org/plas/thonny-debian/downloads/

I uploaded the package to https://mentors.debian.net. The output from dput indicated everything went fine, but I can't see the package under "My packages". Does it take some time?

best regards,

30.06.2017 18:59 David Steele kirjutas:
I learned about thonny from the Raspberry Pi announcement. I see that development is quite active. Where do you stand on the packaging?

AE0D BF5A 92A5 ADE4 9481  BA6F 8A31 71EF 3661 50CE

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