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Re: [pkg-wine-party] DM upload rights

Hi again Mike and Stephen,

On 15.07.2016 20:15, Jens Reyer wrote:
> On 13.07.2016 18:11, Jens Reyer wrote:
>> [For uploads to unstable] I'd usually try to make new releases only together with new
>> upstream releases and to push my other changes in advance.
> For clarification: I'd push my other *packaging* changes *to git* in
> advance - so basically the same workflow as today, just that I'd
> sometimes make an upload myself after a few days, if there's neither a
> comment nor an upload by you.
> Contrary I'd push (trivial) upstream releases to git just the same time
> as doing the upload.
>> dcut --force dm --uid 8826EBE8FCF726EE182E23D779C43E620B039B35
>>  --allow wine wine-development khronos-api
> Sorry, forgot to mention: You need dcut from *dput-ng* for this.

I got backported packages of khronos-api, wine and wine-development
ready for upload to jessie-backports.

So how to proceed now? I'd prefer to just do that myself, but I need one
of you to execute above dcut command. Everything else is set up now,
e.g. I already pushed unicode-data to jessie-backports without needing a
sponsor. So far I had no answer from either of you. If there are any
concerns, e.g. for unstable, just state them and I'd restrict to
unproblematic areas.

If you're just lacking time (which is my default assumption), and I
don't receive any objecting message, I might ask another DD to do that.
All in all I want to save everybody's time by uploading myself, so I
hope this is the last time that my work costs your time.

Alternatively, as a temporary measure, Stephen may sponsor me again:

khronos-api is at https://mentors.debian.net/package/khronos-api, needs
wine is in git, needs "-v1.8.2-1~bpo8+1"
wine-development is in git, needs "-v1.9.12-1~bpo8+1"


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