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Re: electing multiple people

On Tue, Oct 09, 2007 at 09:24:41AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> >> The problem most often materializes when there are heated opinions,
> >> but the fundamental problem is when people can't work together with
> >> mutual respect.  If you end up with people who intensely dislike each
> >> other, the group will have an exceedingly hard time reaching
> >> consensus on anything.
> > MJ and Bernhard made good points already, I'll just concentrate on a
> > few bits that troubled me: I don't agree with these two premises -
> > that any two elected Debianites would so intensely dislike each other
> > to cause a deadlock in the rest of the group, or that this deadlock
> > would spread onto all other issues (other than the one they over which
> > they originally came in conflict). I do not see any historical
> > precedent in Debian history to reach that harsh a conclusion.
>         Err. I see an immediate historical precedent, which in fact lead
>  to a recent expulsion.  Several mailing lists became poisoned to the
>  level that people left off volunteering. If it happened once, it can
>  happen again ...

Oh, but that's just not the same, the expulsed person was not an elected
member of a general committee.

The best historical precedents for a lot of disagreement on general
positions was when everyone was pissed off at Bruce, or even better when
aj and you disagreed about policy, but those situations were settled in
a much calm manner than the Sven affair.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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