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Re: Efficient Package Dependency Search with aptitude

Yassine Chaouche wrote: 
> In my ongoing mission for precise package management,
> I embarked on a quest to swiftly locate all installed packages dependent on /mysql-server/.
> Swift reconnaissance led me to /aptitude/, our stalwart ally in the Debian arsenal.
> Executing a tactical maneuver akin to this:
> |# aptitude search "~i ~Rmysql-server"|
> ||
> |
> |
> Unveiled a battalion of installed packages,
> seemingly unrelated to mysql-server,
> including /adduser/, /debconf/, and others of varying ranks.
> Harboring suspicions about certain results like /psmisc/,
> I executed a reverse probe using the /apt-cache/ command:
> |# apt-cache depends psmisc|
> ||
> |
> |
> Conclusively, /mysql-server/ did not appear in /psmisc/'s dependency roster.
> Yet, in the face of this operation at the Debian Vanguard, doubts linger.
> I seek counsel from the esteemed Debian fraternity.
> What subtleties evade our grasp?

mysql-server doesn't really exist anymore. Try mariadb-server

Also, I think you have meanings reversed.

apt-cache depends psmisc 

produces the list of packages that psmisc needs to function.

apt-cache rdepends psmisc

produces the list of packages that need psmisc to be installed


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