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Re: Debian 12.5 up-to-date Xfce, Firefox clings to USB stick

On 2024-04-16, Max Nikulin <manikulin@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> If you do not trust Gmail as a web application, use a mail application
>>>>> that supports IMAP.
>>>> Gmail supports IMAP since more or less forever.
>>> AIUI the OP's problem was not when reading mail, but with mail
>>> submission of attachments.
>> And in what way does that affect a true statement and a phraseology that
>> clearly implies an nonexistent incompatibility?
> I am completely lost. Mail messages (with attachments) may be submitted 

It would've been clearer to have advised using another mail application,
period, if the OP didn't trust Gmail. But the manner in which you
phrased your advice implied that Gmail was a "web application" that
didn't support IMAP, which is false, so I piped up (or is it in?) in my
admittedly somewhat oblique (to the matter at hand) manner.

But no harm, no foul, and all is well. The only real mystery is how
Tomas resisted getting yet another lick in against Gmail and Google, et


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