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Re: Automatic reboot on kernel crash in Debian 12 - how?

Michael Kjörling (12024-04-16):
> However, this morning I woke up to one of those systems showing a
> kernel crash dump and being frozen. Unfortunately the first part of
> the crash dump had scrolled past so I couldn't tell what class of
> problem caused the crash.
> Do I need to set some more settings to ensure that the system will
> automatically reboot on a panic? If so, what?

If the crash was bad enough to freeze the kernel before it could
trigger the reboot, there is nothing the software can do.

You need a hardware watchdog. If your motherboard has one, just install
and enable the corresponding daemon, and check it works by SIGSTOPing

If your motherboard does not have one, you can probably DIY one from a
RPi or an Arduino.


  Nicolas George

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