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Re: Debian 11 Xfce panel Network Manager applet has disappeared

On 4/15/24 09:21, Gareth Evans wrote:
On Sun 14/04/2024 at 13:29, David Christensen wrote:
I have used the Xfce panel Network Manager applet for many years.
Tonight, I noticed that it has disappeared (!).
Hi David,

I can't speak for XFCE, but certainly for Mate there was a time when multiple notification area panel widgets were available, not all of which would show everything to be expected.  Is that a possibility?


$ ps aux |grep nm-applet

show anything?  Before or after

$ nm-applet


2024-04-15 16:08:23 dpchrist@laalaa ~
$ ps aux | grep nm-applet
dpchrist    1518  0.1  0.2 426500 35380 ?        Sl   16:06   0:00 nm-applet
dpchrist 1940 0.0 0.0 3240 644 pts/0 S+ 16:15 0:00 grep nm-applet

2024-04-15 16:15:12 dpchrist@laalaa ~
$ nm-applet

2024-04-15 16:15:31 dpchrist@laalaa ~
$ ps aux | grep nm-applet
dpchrist    1518  0.1  0.2 426500 35380 ?        Sl   16:06   0:00 nm-applet
dpchrist 1952 0.0 0.0 3240 644 pts/0 S+ 16:15 0:00 grep nm-applet


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