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Re: kbrequest as in older /etc/inittab

On Thu, Jan 04, 2024 at 09:58:38PM -0600, Mike McClain wrote:
> I don't think I can state any more clearly what I'm trying to do than
> 'to tie a call to openvt to Alt Up'. I'm assuming you don't know how
> to do that either.

And ... what does THAT do?

       openvt - start a program on a new virtual terminal (VT).

What program are you trying to start in the new VT?

> You're quite right you can increase the number of gettys
> and you can log into every one of them before you can use them.

How does that FAIL to meet your desired state?  What do you want to do,
that this doesn't allow?

Are you trying to "login" to a bunch of VTs as an unprivileged user
without actually logging in?  Simply for convenience?  (If so, why
can't you just SAY this so we know?)

If that's what you want to do, then I imagine you're looking for some
invocation like:

    /usr/bin/openvt -s /usr/bin/setpriv --reuid 1000 --regid 1000 --init-groups /bin/bash -l

Obviously change the UID and GID if those aren't right for your user
account.  I haven't tested this, so use at your own risk.  Especially
if it works -- because then anyone who gets hold of your running
system can open a login shell as you without needing your password.

If that's NOT what you're trying to do, then please TELL US what you
are trying to do, because having to guess it is frustrating.

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