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Re: Nvidia driver on Debian 10

Am 03.01.2024 um 11:36:03 Uhr schrieb Thomas Anderson:

> Key information:
> I am aware that there are two different installation paths for the 
> nvidia driver, either through the repos or from nvidia downloads.
> I think I did the later, but I have misplaced, lost, and cannot
> download the driver listed above to uninstall it. Apparently, you
> need the nvidia installer to uninstall the driver.

> I tried from CLI:
> apt nvidia purge
> but that did not work.

Because that only applies to DEB packages installed (most of them come
from a repository).
If you installed it by the shell script, it is unrelated to the
apt/dpkg stuff.

Run dpkg -l *nvidia*

and show the output.

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