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On changing the subject lines, and gmail


On Sat, Nov 11, 2023 at 04:39:01PM +0000, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> If the advice you get solves a problem - post that back to the list
> in the thread and change the message subject slightly to make it
> clear that this is an answer.

After being shocked to learn in this year 2023 that gmail web
interface does not do threading, and that changing the subject line
will break such an email out from what gmail considers the
"conversation" and into a new "conversation", I wondered how many
people reading this list use gmail and might thus be confused by
this practice.

Of course, I cannot tell how many passive readers there are of this
list, so all I could check was the posters.

For the last year back from today inclusive:

686 unique emails
363 unique domains
 1:  213 addresses from gmail.com (31.0%)
 2:   16 addresses from debian.org (2.3%)
 3:   10 addresses from protonmail.com (1.5%)
 4:    9 addresses from yahoo.com (1.3%)
 5:    8 addresses from gmx.net (1.2%)
 6:    7 addresses from gmx.com (1.0%)
 7:    6 addresses from mailbox.org (0.9%)
 8:    6 addresses from outlook.com (0.9%)
 9:    5 addresses from posteo.de (0.7%)
10:    5 addresses from web.de (0.7%)

Mind boggling.

(Neither would I be able to tell how many of those gmail.com users
read using the gmail web interface or their own MUA through IMAP


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