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Re: it would be nice is Debian live includes the Wazuh unified XDR and SIEM protection framework ...

On 11 Nov 2023 09:35 +0000, from lbrtchx@gmail.com (Albretch Mueller):
> On 11/11/23, tomas@tuxteam.de <tomas@tuxteam.de> wrote:
>> In which case you aren't the customer, but the cattle.
>  Once we go into exposed mode (go online), we tacitly become all
> cattle, don't we?

Believe it or not, but there actually are companies which provide
online (marketing speak: "cloud") services which _don't_ treat you as
the product to be sold. Generally those tend to be more expensive than
options which monetize the person using the service (generally by in
various ways selling that person's attention to advertisers).

> On 11/11/23, Marco <mm@dorfdsl.de> wrote:
>> Why can't you install it manually, maybe with a script?
>  Yes, of course, you can always do so. I meant it would be best if
> certain security issues are dealt on a hardware level. It may sound as
> "paranoid", "crazy" to you, but I always go into exposed mode using a
> Debian Live DVD, basically:

If you want your live environment to contain additional things, such
as the "extra stuff [you] need" and "the drivers to be able to connect
to the Internet", nothing prevents you from customizing your live
image to include those.

The live images distributed by the Debian project are intended
primarily to cater to a typical user who wants to try out Debian in a
low-risk manner. They aren't really intended for situations where one
needs every last bit of something, whatever that is.

If you want to customize the live image to better meet your particular
needs, here are a few links to get you started. I found all of these
with a web search for "customize debian live cd".


If you need more help with this, I recommend checking out the
debian-live mailing list at https://lists.debian.org/debian-live/

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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