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Re: limit on attachment in mail to list

On Fri, 10 Nov 2023 19:01:57 -0600
Nicholas Geovanis <nickgeovanis@gmail.com> wrote:

Hello Nicholas,

>Or maybe they are used to the more recently-devised file sharing
>services which let you exchange zillions of much larger files than this
>list allows, but every hour. On any given day I might listen to several

You/they go there voluntarily.  No one's forcing you to.  Forcing
everyone on a ML to d/l one's 1meg+ attachment is a very different thing.

>It's a different use-case but the thoughts are all the same: Have you

'lack of thoughts' more like.

>ever used, say, an S3 bucket for your Debian EC2 VM in Amazon cloud?

No.  No VM.  No Amazon.  More generally - No cloud services.

 Regards  _       "Valid sig separator is {dash}{dash}{space}"
         / )      "The blindingly obvious is never immediately apparent"
        / _)rad   "Is it only me that has a working delete key?"
I don't care about anyone else I just care about me
I Just Care About Me - Stiff Little Fingers

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