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Re: Fresh install, Bookworm, XFCE keeps recreating directories

David Wright composed on 2023-09-15 22:22 (UTC-0500):

> On Fri 15 Sep 2023 at 21:24:53 (-0400), Curt Howland wrote:

>> On Friday 15 September 2023, Curt Howland was heard to say:

>>> I'm not interested in having directories like "Public" and
>>> "Videos", but every time I delete them something recreates those
>>> directories.

>> Found /etc/xdg/user-dirs.conf, changed to "enable=False", no change.

>> Found $/.config/user-dirs.dirs, commented out the ones I didn't want, 
>> no change. File $/.config/user-dirs.dirs reverted to original on 
>> logout/login.

>> Changed all the pointers in $/.config/user-dirs.dirs to "Desktop" so 
>> that no other directory would be created, success. Deleted 
>> directories stay deleted. File $/.config/user-dirs.dirs not reverting 
>> to original form on logout/login.

>> What an immense waste of time. I can understand having the directories 
>> created once, when the user is created. This automatic regeneration 
>> is utterly pointless and annoying.

> AIUI (which is not very well), this comes with the territory when you
> install a Desktop Environment.

> If you don't really want "Desktop" either, then according to:
>   https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/xdg-user-dirs/
> you can set all those environment variables to point to your $HOME
> directory. (The Note that follows explains that just deleting
> (≡commenting out) a variable doesn't work.)

Example ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs file written 4 years ago that WFM:

# This file is written by xdg-user-dirs-update
# If you want to change or add directories, just edit the line you're
# interested in. All local changes will be retained on the next run
# Format is XDG_xxx_DIR="$HOME/yyy", where yyy is a shell-escaped
# homedir-relative path, or XDG_xxx_DIR="/yyy", where /yyy is an
# absolute path. No other format is supported.
Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion,
	based on faith, not based on science.

 Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!

Felix Miata

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