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Re: Gradle version in bookworm

On Sun, 27 Aug 2023 at 07:52, Steve Sobol <steve@lobosstudios.com> wrote:
On 2023-08-26 03:18, Mark Fletcher wrote:

> continue using it -- but since I can get it onto my machine with zero
> effort via Intellij

I am a Jetbrains subscriber who uses many of their IDEs, including
IntelliJ, and if that's the way you want to go, I'm certainly not going
to tell you not to.

But if you don't need IntelliJ, it seems silly to install it just to get

You can download the latest OSS version of Gradle from gradle.org.

Am I missing something?

Oh, yes — the fact that I never suggested for a moment that the only reason I installed IntelliJ was to get Gradle. I’ve been an IntelliJ user since about 2006/7 or so. 

What I said was that I noticed that IntelliJ was installing a version of gradle to suit it, not using the platform-level Gradle, and was regularly updating it. The point of that, if you read the thread, was that there was a suggestion earlier in the thread that the reason gradle hadn’t been upgraded in bookworm and was still on version 4 while upstream was on version 8 was that it was terribly difficult to do, due to dependencies — but clearly not, given the ease of installing it manually. 

Hope that clears that up. 


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