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Re: Thunderbird vs Claws Mail

On Tue, 15 Aug 2023 09:43:57 -0700
Peter Ehlert <peter@sdi-baja.com> wrote:

> I am a long time user of Thunderbird. No real complaints, but the GUI 
> has been slowly been changed.
> lately I have been struggling with that, trying to get it to be My
> Way. Minor success.
> also the .msf files have gotten Huge and that hinders rapid and easy 
> backups.
> In the process I would like to do some housekeeping, fix a few
> filters and rearrange my copious folders.
> Question: do you folks recommend migrating to Claws Mail?

I did that a few years ago. As you say, TB works, but it's so slow..

> the initial look and feel seems to be familiar and comfortable, but I 
> know little of the history and stability.

It has bugs, but so does TB/anything. It's origins are slightly older
than TB, and Claws was forked from Sylpheed (which still exists and
might be worth a look) around the time TB began. I've had no more than
minor stability problems, and I'm mostly running sid. I also use it on
Windows, on the odd occasions I have to use that.
> secondly, will I be missing the basic features such as Filters?
No. I use two heavily-polluted newsgroups, and have a number of filters
to deal with the problem, plus a few more for the more commons spam

It depends... it's a mail/newsreader, and that's about it. TB has
various extra bells and whistles, such as the calendar. Claws does have
quite a number of plug-ins, almost none of which I use, but they are
aimed at email processing, such as hooks to spamassassin and clamd.

I don't know how Claws performs on a single computer, I have an IMAP
server which stores the mail, and Claws opens and is ready for use on a
workstation in about a second. I see no reason why it should be any
slower with locally-stored mail, though Internet access is probably
a bit slower than local network access.


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