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RE: 11 to 12 - fresh install or upgrade


>> It's time to move from bullseye to bookworm. Based on the previous 
>> years experience I've always preferred a fresh install vs. an 
>> upgrade, since the freshly installed system always run smoother and 
>> was not littered with any old junk left from the old system.


>> Could you share your opinion based on personal experience? To install 
>> or to upgrade? Mine is fairly simple desktop system for home use.

Apart from all the other advice you got, some of which was helpful for me too ;-) I have had the policy that I will upgrade an install for two extra major upgrades and then start new. Not only because of stuff that might be left over from old kernel and software stuff but also from other stuff that might have been useful years ago when I installed the system but are no longer needed, for whatever reason. The more old stuff that is on a system the more hooks a hacker might find.

When I install a system I do a 'cp /etc/Debian_version /root/debinstall_version' to remember at which version this system started.
Systems that started as Strech (9) will get a fresh Bookworm install.
However, as you stated this is a viable solution for "simple" systems that can be easily recreated from scratch, it might not be useful for complicated systems with lots of changes that need to be preserved. 


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