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Re: Gradle version in bookworm

On 2023-08-05 12:12, Anders Andersson wrote:

Impossible, fake news. It's Java. When I still coded C and assembly in
the nineties everyone told me that Java would solve the issue of
portability forever. Write once, run anywhere! Just run it, no

Ahhh... I don't know what com.gradle.enterprise is, but I'm guessing it's not in the Gradle distributions I download from gradle.org.

So, before you share any more snark about Java... I'm running Gradle 8 on at least one Debian VPS. And all I had to do was download it, untar and put it somewhere, and ensure that I had a recent JVM on that server.

Note that I downloaded the OSS version of Gradle from gradle.org, not Gradle Enterprise from gradle.com.

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