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Re: Clock Icon

On Wed, 12 Jul 2023 13:34:52 +0100
Mick Ab <recoverymail123890@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a clock icon on my desktop PC which opens on reboot and then
> remains on the top right of the screen all the time.
> However, for some reason it has moved (not sure how this happened)
> and is now in the middle of the screen under my browser windows (so
> not visible).
> I would like to move the clock, but can't seem to move it with my
> mouse - none of the buttons when pressed and held down move it and
> right clicking doesn't do anything either.
> Can anyone help, please ?

First question: what desktop are you using? Gnome, KDE, Xfce...? This
kind of thing is created by the desktop environment, as will be almost
everything on your screen when no application windows are open.

OK, not Xfce, a right click there would give you a menu for the panel,
and therefore control. I'm not familiar with any recent versions of
other desktops. But somebody will be, if you tell us which one.


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