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debuginfod.debian.net missing some build ids


I've been trying to debug a binary that's linked against the libc6 package from Sid, but some of my tools are telling me that debuginfo for the libc6 sources aren't found on the debuginfod servers. The matching build-ids can be found in the libc6-dbg package here: https://packages.debian.org/sid/amd64/libc6-dbg/filelist, but they cannot be found on the debuginfod server for some reason, eg:

$ llvm-debuginfod-find-15 --debuginfo 0401bd8da6edab3e45399d62571357ab12545133 # pick any build-id from libc6-dbg
build id not found
$ curl https://debuginfod.debian.net/buildid/0401bd8da6edab3e45399d62571357ab12545133/debuginfo
not found

Any ideas why this might be the case?

- Jacob

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