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Re: A hypervisor for a headless server?

On Thu, Jun 1, 2023, 9:58 PM Victor Sudakov <vas@sibptus.ru> wrote:
Dear Colleagues,

There is a hypervisor called bhyve for FreeBSD. It's completely
headless, no graphics, runs as a daemon and provides serial and VNC

Can you please advise a similar headless and minimal hypervisor for
Debian or Ubuntu?

Just don't install x-windows or anything that depends on it, like a desktop environment. Servers in datacenters run headless more than 95% of cases. Debian and its derivatives too.

Please don't just say "kvm". I've tried installing different
combinations of "qemu-kvm", "virt-manager" etc and they all depend on
dozens of GUI tools.

A list of packages for the "apt install" command to install a really
minimal hypervisor would be very much appreciated. I'm not really
afraid of writing a couple of text or YAML configuration files to
describe VMs if it helps me avoid the GUI configuration.

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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