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Re: Debugging what is deleting/recreating /etc/resolv.conf with wrong configuration, on debian stable

On Thu, Mar 02, 2023 at 10:32:41AM +0100, davenull@tuxfamily.org wrote:
> This system never had any debian 10 or lower. It has been issued to my by
> $worksplace
> in december 2021, initially running windows.

> akb@akira:~$ LC_ALL=C aptitude why ifupdown
> p   netscript-2.4 Provides ifupdown
> p   netscript-2.4 Depends  bridge-utils (>= 0.9.3)
> p   bridge-utils  Suggests ifupdown
> akb@akira:~$ LC_ALL=C aptitude why netscript-2.4
> p   netscript-2.4 Provides ifupdown

unicorn:~$ apt-cache show netscript-2.4
Description-en: Linux 2.4/2.6/3.x router/firewall/VM host network config system.
 This is a router and firewall network configuration system.  It is specific to
 the 2.4.x and 2.6.x kernel series. This system is in production use, even
 though this is an experimental version.
 DON'T use this on a pure server - it is VERY useful for a Virtual Machine
 server with complex networking needs.  This is because of its comprehensive
 network configuration capabilities.  Thus it is a tempting replacement
 when you have to rip out NetworkManager on a server.

That sounds pretty terrifying to me.  I'm surprised it works *at all*
with a Debian 11 (or higher?  you didn't say what you *are* running,
only what you're *not* running) kernel.

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