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Re: [OT] coo, was Re: Debian release criteria.

On 2023-01-07, Greg Wooledge <greg@wooledge.org> wrote:
> To an American audience, the meaning is quite different.  We only use
> "coo" to describe the noise made by a dove, or as an (urban) slang
> term which is a shortened form of "cool".

I haven't been following, but coo to me is the sound a pigeon makes, or
the soft, endearing sound some amorous person might emit in the
presence (or the ear) of the loved one, as in the lyrics of "Five Foot
Two, Eyes of Blue":

But could she love, could she woo?
Could she, could she, could she coo?
Has anybody seen my girl?

Anyway, ChatGPT wrote a little Bash script for me; I'd run it past
you for errors, but it's too trivial, I think.

Happy New Year to all.

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