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Re: Advantages/Disadvantages of Open Source Software (Was Re: Package grub-xen-host breaks PV domains with 11.5 point release)

On 9/13/2022 4:31 PM, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > the interest of the user. These "volunteers" obviously have other,
> > possibly malicious, interests if they prove themselves unwilling to
> > apply fixes to bugs that are reported to them.
> I think there's a confusion here: these volunteers will also have
> "other, possibly malicious, interests" even if they are willing/eager
> to apply fixes to bugs that are reported to them.
> Same goes for people you pay, so it's not specific to volunteers.
> And of course it's also not specific to a particular kind of license.
>         Stefan

So I presume you agree that no matter the kind of license, development model, etc.,
it is in the interest of the users of software for there to be oversight of what the persons
who actually write the code and release the software to the public actually do to deter
them from doing anything malicious, and if they do not act in the interest of the users,
then they are undermining the purpose of any software project that claims to provide
quality software that is secure, useful, and safe to use.

If free/oss projects like Debian want to provide software with those positive
characteristics to their users, those projects must have in place some level of oversight
over what the persons who actually write the software actually do, or don't do in the
case of failing to fix bugs that could easily be fixed, so that the goals of quality, useful,
safe, and secure software are reached.

Best regards,


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