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Re: How should learning to program in c++ be approached, if learning objectives are sought to be customised?

Dear Mr. King,

I totally agree with what you say regarding diversity in range of
problems requiring different solutions. Perhaps that agreement was
also reflected in my earlier post at

The higher order truth that I am trying to arrive at is that we can
have only a very limited cognitive gifts. A beyond-human level AI will
be unrestricted by such limitations.

In my other post to Mr. DdB at
https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2022/05/msg00857.html I said that
I was fortunate to have read some on Beyond. I overlooked to mention
Dr. Steven Greer and his work there.

Reality is One. Our limited cognitive abilities makes it appear
piece-meal, we approach them piece-meal and we try to solve our
problems piece-meal. We don't realise that we don't address the Big
Picture. Also that how Big is this Big.

But as I have promised to myself in the post at
https://lists.debian.org/debian-user/2022/05/msg00854.html, I shall
continue to make tiny inroads into Python until the Singularity

Thank you for educating me, like Mr. Ilya Kazakevich
<k***ya@gmail.com>,Mr. Joe <j***@jr***g.com> and Mr. Edwin Zimmerman
<ed***@pl**il.net> did, and you all have my admiration for that.

Best wishes,

    To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
    Subject: Re: How should learning to program in c++ be approached,
if learning objectives are sought to be customised?
    From: Alex King <al**@r***g.com>
    Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2022 12:29:32 +1200
    Message-id: <[🔎] [🔎] bb9ae618-bbbe-e557-5150-aadf49615282@rimuhosting.com>
    In-reply-to: <20220530172154.308BA202FA@bendel.debian.org>
    References: <20220530172154.308BA202FA@bendel.debian.org>

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