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Re: downsides to replacing xfce4-terminal?

On 1/7/22, Lee <ler762@gmail.com> wrote:
> background:
> There have been two things preventing me to moving to Debian -

Hi, do you mean 'Debian' there?, I'm not sure what's the situation.

> horrible scrollbars & no right-click to paste in the terminal

About the scrollbars I don't know, but, for instance, lxterminal has
right-click to copy from and past in the terminal (I use it all the time),
and I guess it's pretty light in dependencies:

$ apt-cache depends lxterminal
  Depende: libc6
  Depende: libgdk-pixbuf-2.0-0
  Depende: libglib2.0-0
  Depende: libgtk-3-0
  Depende: libpango-1.0-0
  Depende: libvte-2.91-0
  Depende: libx11-6

You can use it anywhere (I use it over mere window managers,
IceWM, for instance, or fluxbox, openbox, etc.

> xfce4-terminal v0.9.1 finally has right-click = paste
> https://gitlab.xfce.org/apps/xfce4-terminal/-/commit/970905924ad685827cee2b2406a3b8a6b6990187
> so what are the downsides, if any, to replacing
> /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal with the one I build from the xfce4-terminal
> 0.9.1 source tarball?
> If it makes a difference
> $ cat /etc/debian_version
> 11.2

Maybe lxterminal would be a simpler solution for you. :)

> Thanks
> Lee

Best regards!

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