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Re: unhappy upgrade

On Tue 05 Oct 2021 at 10:55:36 (-0400), Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
> On Tuesday 05 October 2021 09:04:03 am David Wright wrote:
> > > > So the main things to confirm as working are the specific points mentioned in the respective Release Notes. In stretch that would
> > > > be, for example, the 4.9 kernel is finding everything, 
> > > 
> > > About the only issue that I've noticed after this stuff all getting fixed is that there's something up with the sound.  Given the details of what advice I saw someone else getting,  I have a few things to look at.  The virtualbox OS complained about it too.  :-)
> > 
> > I can't see the point unless you depend on, say, a screen reader to be
> > able to move forward at all. 
> Youtube videos,  for one example?  I did get some sound going,  fired up kmix and found that the one slider was turned all the way down for some reason.  That gets me sound in the main OS,  but there still appears to be some kind of issue in virtualbox.  I'll work it out...
> > After all, how long are you intending to run stretch for?
> I'm not sure just yet,  after all of that I'm no exactly in a big hurry to move forward.

Fair enough. I'm among those who feel that you could be tripling your
workload by configuring every application in each of the Debian
revisions. But at least you'll get better support each time.

> There's just one other issue I'm not sure of the best way to deal with it.  Some time back the monitor that I was using died,  and when I replaced it with one of a similar size,  the new one had a higher resolution.  Which was not a problem as long as the software was feeding it a lower resolution.  But apparently somewhere in the upgrade process it decided to change this,  and as a result a lot of stuff got *tiny*.  I was able to change font sizes in a number of places,  and icon sizes in my taskbar,  but not in the one in virtualbox,  and this old kmail that I'm running (by preference) is only giving me the choice of changing it in some places.  The composter not being one of them.  Unread msgs being another one.  My recollection of other software was that you could,  say,  right-click on the desktop and get a choice of changing your screen resolution to something else.  I'm not seeing that here.  I'm sure that there's someplace to fiddle with that setting,  I just haven't found it yet.

Yes, again, my own opinion would be to fix that once, in bullseye.
I don't use a DE, only a WM, but the impression I get from the list
is that how you make changes is itself always changing.


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