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RE: on the verge of shopping for new desktop hardware, recommendations?


> On 3/7/21 7:24 PM, IL Ka wrote:
>>     The reason for the two networks is that my modem-router is
>>     electrically incompatible with one of my computers.
>> hmm, I never heard about such things)
I have.

>> You can connect your modem-router to the ethernet switch, and connect 
>> all PCs to this switch. It may help.

> Or you can mix and match. I have a router AND a switch, because the router does not have enough ports.
And that is another reason to have an additional switch.

> In my case, I paid no attention to what is connected to what, and everything works.
As it should but sometimes does not. :-(
In my case it was some OLD device, 10+ years old that never heard of a Gigabit interface and actually would even work on a 10Mbit port. This device will connect correctly on an older gigabit switch but NOT on a more modern Gigabit switch. :-(
So I have :
 - A router
 - A POE switch for those devices that need POE
 - A normal Gigabit switch for all the other devices I have
 - An older switch to connect that one device that won't connect properly to the modern switch. :-(
All witches are connected to the router, all devices connected to the switches. I could have bought a bigger POE switch but I already had the other switch(es) before I needed some POE ports.

Bonno Bloksma

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