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Re: color border in image, drop everything outside of it

On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 03:11:21AM +0100, Emanuel Berg wrote:


> start at (0, 0) - this is the top-left pixel, as you know - is
> this color gray? answer: no. go to (1, 0) etc until you get to
> a grey pixel. at that point, discard all pixels until then.
> and don't look any further to the right on that row!
> do this for all rows from left to right, top to bottom.
> after that, do the same but search top down instead, so after (0,
> 0), go to (0, 1). discard pixels vertically upon gray. and stop.
> do the same from right to left and bottom to top!
> Encirclement!

You are (nearly) describing flood fill. Except that the operator
is ≠ instead of = or, perhaps you have two phases, one with
"≠ grey" and then one with "= grey" to also eliminate the doodle.

I really, strongly suggest you play around with ImageMagick and
"connected component labeling". Here[1]'s the ref, in case it
got lost in the intratubes.


[1] https://imagemagick.org/script/connected-components.php

 - t

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