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Re: allocating disk space

On Fri 11 Jan 2019 at 02:12:19 (-0500), Felix Miata wrote:
> David Wright composed on 2019-01-09 14:26 (UTC-0600):
> > On Fri 04 Jan 2019 at 19:36:42 (-0500), Felix Miata wrote:
> >> Yes, when filling the disk at the outset. With the escalation of disk sizes over the years, it's
> >> become more common not to allocate 100% at the outset. In non-ancient memory I only ever fully
> >> allocated with my own disks at the outset with data disks, until small SDDs became cheap.
> > I don't understand the reasoning.
> A Murphy corollary: Junk accumulates according to the amount of space available for it to fill.
> Make the space available when you really need it, and it won't be preoccupied with junk.

Fine, if it helps you. I was unaware that anyone did this for that
reason. I know there are more technical difficulties with shrinking
partitions than with expanding them, and thought it might be to do
with that.

> >> Note the relative vastness of unused space.
> > You're not the guy who boots >>100 systems off one disk, are you?
> The one I remember was long ago, not 100 I think, but more than 50, likely before libata
> introduction's 15 partition limit. I recently looked for his page but failed to find.

100 was superceded long ago; it was 145 by August 2016 when I last looked.

> >> BTW, 36 is near an average count here. I have one with 57, more than one with >40, and
> >> probably 8 with >30. My newest PC has 50, though spread across 3 disks, with 20
> >> comprising 10 RAID1 devices, and zero freespace remaining for partition creation.
> > Oh, perhaps you're a rival. :) I assume you foresee adding a lot more
> > versions of linux; only three Debian so far? And I would miss a real
> > DOS like the old favourite 6.22.
> Except for Etch, I was only using Kubuntu's miscreant Debians until Jessie. All my 6.22s got
> replaced with PC DOS 2000 as soon as impending Y2K caused its availability. DOS 5 remains available
> under cover of OS/2's eComStation progeny (which here runs 24/7).
> > ... if I get my hands on an old newer machine (or is that new older?).
> I get those more often than new-in-original-box, more often broken, which I am often able to
> resurrect. Maybe call them nacqres, for newly acquired resurrection/recycle/refurb. :-)

In the past, the (desktop) systems I acquired were mainly deficient in
diskspace. Fortunately I managed to tap the source of 1GB disks that
were being used to make it possible to upgrade the secretaries'
windows systems (whose older PCs I was acquiring). Occasionally I
added memory (or "stole" it from other machines). Since I retired,
I've only bought disks. I've never had a new PC. The three desktops
I run date from 2000 and 2006 (2).


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