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Re: Live recording

Rodolfo Medina wrote:

>> Now your mic is a one bucket full of water and you have to pipes (left
>> and right) ... where does the water flow?
> It flows left and right, I suppose...

yes and this one input recorded on (at least) two channels is called mono.
Mono means single btw.
Good based on this conclusion a mic can never be stereo - it is a single
input. You however have (at least) two outputs for boxes to achieve a
stereo effect. No this single input is recorded or played equally to both
outputs, thus also your output is mono.

> Here we seem to have different advices.  It seems that sometimes, laptops
> have one input hole for both mic and line in.  Some of them, as reported
> by other posters, can even switch from one to another function.  Someone
> else suggested a way to check if mic entry is stereo or mono.  Someone,
> like you, states that mic input is certainly mono, but someone else, also
> around Google, seems to state the contrary, i.e. it can be mono or stereo
> depending on the PC.  This is important to me also because I reversed into

This is true and does not contradict to the said before. Indeed there are
combined inputs. I guess it probes if the one channel is shortened and
perhaps internally switches to mono input.
If one referrs a mic as mono perhaps is meant what the jack looks like.

> digital form some old vynils, and did so using the mic input of my
> netbook, that doesn't have a line in.  So I'd need to know if those *.wav
> files so produced are stereo or not, and, in case they aren't, repeat the
> operation on another machine or adding an external sound card to the
> netbook.

This is not good because using a mic you loose quality and you get a mono
input. You can indeed use two mics and put them right infront of the
speakers, so that you avoid inference, but unless you have some exotic
device there should be also a line out, which you can feed to the line in
of the notebook.

> Also here, someone states that there exist stereo and mono microphones...

it must be something new, but everything is possible. I don't know what is
referred by stereo mic. the mic itself, then it should be two mics (two
buckets), but sound spreads everywhere, so how would two exist in one and
not infer - it makes no sense to me unless the jack is referred, but so we
are again to ground 0. The best way to check this is to look at the
jack/plug - how it looks like - if there are 3 contacts [1] would mean that
the (mono) mic is providing two lines L/R (stereo output). However it is
irrelevant - signal is still mono. If it has 2 contacts it would mean it is
mono - good chance that you can record only left or right if recording
device is not smart enough.

> The splitter works regularly when used in listening mode...

This is true - the only uncertainty here is if notebook/computer can handle
the lower impedance of the mic.

1. https://www.amazon.com/3-5mm-Stereo-Jack-Adapter-black/dp/B00142BZSY

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