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How often are RealTek drivers brought up to date for Debian?

Hello Debian Support team,


Please can you tell me whether the RealTek drivers for
rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux, can be approved for Debian, so Tails is able to
work with this fast wireless dongle?

More details.....

I'm a new convert to Debian/Tails/open source, I'm learning fast!

Unfortunately I don't have easy access to a land line for Internet
access anymore.

I have just purchased the latest wireless dongle from CoredyTech..

This is Coredy's web page for drivers, including Linux.


With a lot of help from a neighbour we eventually got it working with
Ubuntu 14.04, 64 bit, and Debian 'Jessie' with the instructions and
command lines, from this site, not the cd rom!



sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential git

git clone https://github.com/abperiasamy/rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux

cd rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux


sudo make install

An interesting observation, it uses

13.4 MB installed in Ubuntu and
106.7 MB installed in Debian.
It works first time, everytime time in Debian, and is erratic connecting
to a wireless connection in Ubuntu, but once connected works fine.

Yours sincerely


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