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Automounted with udisks volumes could not be opend in Nautilus normal user (uid=1000)

Dear all,

I've started experiencing a problem with automounted volumes and volumes, mounted via Nautilus. I use debian jessie with gnome 3.14. And the problem is:

1) I plug in a usb storage device and it is mounted with udisks at /media/$USER/$LABEL
OR I use udisksctl mount -b /dev/sdXY
Both of these actions mount th sdXY partition to the /media/$USER/$LABEL.

2) I open Nautilus and click at the mounted device label.

3) I get the error message "This location could not be displayed. \n You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of “$LABEL”." And the directory is not opened. Moreover,
$ ls /media/$USER/$LABEL gives
ls: cannot access /media/$USER/$LABEL: Permission denied

I experience this kind of behavior on a pretty recent debian-gnome install. And not only on plugged usb-sticks (any FS: fat, ntfs, ext4), but also on my main sda there is additional ext4 partition I do not mount via fstab. This partition has the same error message after it not being mounted is clicked in nautilus and hence mounted with udisks.

I didn't tweak polkit, udev rules or udisks... The usb-stick I plug in works on my secondaty debian installation on the same laptop. By "works" I mean it is automounted when plugged in and opens when clicked in Nautilus (on the contrary to my Jessie intallation).
Finally, fstab does not include any of described "problem-media".

I have absolutely no idea, what could have caused such a malfunctioning.
Any help required!


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