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Re: reasons to ditch LILO before upgrading to jessie?

On Thu, Jul 7, 2016, at 10:57, Giovanni Gigante wrote:
> At the end, I decided to try the upgrade to jessie with LiLo (24.1) in 
> place. I thought that the probability of hitting some bug caused by the 
> interaction between LiLo and the upgraded distribution was less than the 
> probabily of causing some damage by switching the bootloader (for 
> example, by messing up the RAID configuration) since I've never 
> configured Grub before. Also, the golden heuristic of "if it ain't 
> broke, don't fix it", and the fact that this particular Debian upgrade 
> is also switching from the init scripts to systemd, so I did not want to 
> introduce even more changes in the boot process for the moment.
> Apparently, it worked.

I never doubted that it would.  I still use LILO with the latest jessie

I maintain a web page for Debian users who use LILO, or who are thinking
of switching from GRUB to LILO:


I don't address the issue of software RAID though.  I've never tried it.
I have used LILO with hardware RAID.  It works just fine.  I'm using it
right now as I write this.

As far as LILO being unmaintained is concerned, I wouldn't be too concerned
about that.  I've been thinking about offering to maintain it myself.  I haven't
heard from Joachim lately.  Maybe I'll drop him another line.

The three main things I like about LILO are (1) I understand how it works,
(2) it is easy to configure, and (3) it doesn't use any unallocated sectors.

The main limitations to LILO's future viability, as I see it, are UEFI
and GPT.  LILO is heavily dependent on the traditional BIOS.  Most UEFI
systems have a CSM to provide a BIOS for forward compatibility, though it
is often disabled by default.  But some of the newest systems are starting
to ship with no CSM.  I won't buy one of those as long as I have a choice.
And GPT is needed to break the 2 TiB disk size limit.  But none of my disks
are anywhere near that big.

If your system has a BIOS and a traditional DOS-style partition table,
there's no reason not to use LILO, unless you just don't want to.
  .''`.     Stephen Powell    <zlinuxman@fastmail.com>
 : :'  :
 `. `'`

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