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Re: a little jessie whinage

Quoting Glenn English (ghe@slsware.net):
> On Oct 11, 2015, at 1:58 PM, Mart van de Wege <mvdwege@gmail.com> wrote:
> > No, for servers we don't install NetworkManager and resolvconf, and we
> > do static configuration.
> I didn't install NM, the installer did. I didn't know there was such a thing.
> I did know enough, though, to toss resolvconf and hand write resolv.conf, in the past. resolvconf is straightforward enough to know what it does. It does one thing, but not too well.
> > Really, you should know better if you're going do whine.
> Yup. I should have removed NM as soon as I saw that label in resolv.conf.  I tried to. But if I'd been successful, I think I would have broken a lot of stuff in Jessie.

I thought the OP was about a laptop. How do you set a static address
for nameservers? Or do you never take it anywhere?


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