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Re: adobe flash player in iceweasel does not work anymore in jessie

On 2015-09-11, Paul van der Vlis <paul@vandervlis.nl> wrote:
> Op 10-09-15 om 11:33 schreef Liam O'Toole:
>> On 2015-09-09, Lisi Reisz <lisi.reisz@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Wednesday 09 September 2015 20:46:42 Paul van der Vlis wrote:
>>>> When I need a package from deb-multimedia, I use wget and dpkg.
>>> A constructive suggestion!  That is obviously a good idea.
>> I would call it a kludge, at best. Using wget and dpkg is to invite what
>> used to be called 'RPM hell'. 
> Use "apt-get -f install" after installing a package with dependencies.
> This will get packages from Debian. If it does need another package from
> e.g. deb-multimedia, you have to use wget and dpkg again, and then you
> know you have to monitor another package.

Like I said: a kludge.

>> It also runs the risk of missing security updates to packages.
> Realise that when you put a repo in your sources list, you normally give
> control to that repo to install everything they want on your computer.

Not when you pin the repository appropriately, as I have indicated

> And to make a complete mess out of your computer. Is that good security?

I would say yes in this case. The maintainer of deb-multimedia is a
well-established Debian developer.

> I want to know exactly what packages are not coming from Debian.

That's easy to determine.



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