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Re: 3rd new wheezy install

On Wednesday 04 February 2015 14:57:50 Gene Heskett wrote:
> My point in all this is that the installer WILL NOT ALLOW you, in any mode,
> to just format and label a partition and use it. Try to skip the
> partitioner and go on to the next step it will NOT allow. The only way you
> can get past that is to allow it to write a broken partition table  So ATM,
> I have no clue if this drive is partition synchronized so that the 2
> partitioms on it, / & swap, are in fact sector aligned.

Gene -

You appear to be the only one having problems.  You decline to describe those 
problems in a manner that allows us to see what the problems are - you just 
rant and tell anecdotes and call the installer names.  

The partitoner does work, including with new dirives.  The installer does 
work.  It _will_ install on pre-exising partitions.  I have done it 

You may have hit a corner case.  We can't tell what is going wrong because you 
seem to regard being lucid as in some way wimpish.

Have you tried to RTFM?


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