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Re: Updating not working as expected

On Sun, Feb 9, 2014 at 5:57 PM, Lisi Reisz <lisi.reisz@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sunday 09 February 2014 18:05:52 darkestkhan wrote:
>> Personally I'm dubious if using `jessie` instead of `testing` atm
>> should even work - considering that it is basically testing for the
>> time being.
> The beauty of using the name, Jessie, instead of Testing is that when
> Jessie becomes Stable, the system will automatically upgrade to
> Stable.  As soon as Jessie is Stable, the floodgates in Testing will
> open and all the new packages will just rush in.  By staying with the
> name Jessie, you can chose your moment to go back to Testing.

Well, the choice of jessie or testing doesn't seem to explain the
trouble I was experiencing with the lack of updates.  Does anyone have
an idea of why I have to choose 'always prefer testing' rather that
'always prefer latest' in Synaptic preferences to get updates?  I am
also in testing on my old computer and do not need to do this.  I
guess if it works it works, so why worry.  It just makes me curious
what's making it do this.  BTW, I also use jessie in the sources.list
on the old computer for all the debian.org repositories.


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