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Re: packages status

Is there a simple way to get the list of packages installed since the fresh
installation of deby ?
How long ago was your fresh installation?  There are backups of the
dpkg package status kept in /var/backups that go back a week.  And if
you have a system backup you could retrieve older copies going back as
far as your backups.  Those files list what is installed on the
machine and could be used to make this deduction.

   $ zcat /var/backups/dpkg.status.6.gz | grep-dctrl -s Package -n "install ok installed" | sort > /tmp/list.prev

   $ grep-status -s Package -n "install ok installed" | sort > /tmp/list.now

   $ comm -3 /tmp/list.prev /tmp/list.now

Thanks a lot Mister Bob, it worked like a charm ! The install was nearly
fresh, just 6 or 7 days and I didn't know those dctrl-tools commands so
double thanks again. ;)

I start a script with those right now. :)

Happy New Year !

“One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings.”
“Le vrai n'est pas plus sûr que le probable.”

                                              Diogene Laerce

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